One Pot Chicken Rice


Looking for something simple but so hearty and warming for dinner? This one-pot rice with Gharam marsala is for you. For an even richer flavour, one may substitute a cup of hot water with stock/broth. but the simplicity of browned onion, chicken, and a touch of marsala is what makes it so comforting. Enjoy and stay safe! The beautiful song in this video is called: Ntawukundutira, sung by Jody Phibi and Tru-D. BMCG Production.

Love, Dada.

One Pot Chicken Rice



300g Chicken pieces

1 cup rice (washed and drained)

2 Small Onions (diced/sliced)

2 TSP ghraram marsala

¼ cup cooking oil

2 cups hot water

Salt, Pepper to taste


  • Season the chicken pieces with Salt and pepper and set aside
  • Heat the oil in a pan on medium-high heat
  • Fry the chicken in hot oil for 4-5 minutes on both sides until nicely browned
  • Once golden brown, remove from oil and set aside.
  • Reduce the oil to about 2 TBSP, add onions and stir-fry until golden brown
  • Add gharam Marsala, stir and cook for 1 min’ until fragrant.
  • Add the rice and roast for 2-3 minutes stirring constantly.
  • Add about 1 TSP salt (or to taste), followed by 1.5 cups of hot water. Stir
  • **You can taste the broth here and adjust your seasoning accordingly.
  • Add the browned chicken pieces back to the simmering pot. Lower heat, cover and simmer for 12-15 minutes.
  • Lightly fluff the rice, and check if it’s cooked.
  • If still hard, add the remaining ½ cup of hot water, cover it with cooking foil and let it simmer for another 8-10 minutes.
  • Fluff, Serve and enjoy

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Currently residing in the Netherlands

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