Meet Dada
I’m Dada Salma!
Hi there,
My name is Salma, from East Africa! I know that sounds very general, but you must experience or be in East Africa to understand how we truly belong within the region.
Welcome to my space, which I call my “Diary”. I created this for anyone looking for a story out there. Why? Well, I love storytelling in all its infinite ways. I use this space to tell stories through my writing (The Pages), my cooking (The Kitchen), my podcast (The Voice) and my crafts (The Table). I tell stories mostly straight from my gut, often inspired, or triggered by what I experience in life. Sometimes the stories I tell come from my attempts to make sense of living and being. And instead of stashing them away on my shelf, I drop some here with the hope that someone catches something… a vibe? A feeling? A moment? A question?… Anything! So, if you make it here, I say Asante sana for visiting and Karibu.

Follow me on social media!
Currently residing in the Netherlands